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Knights Enham

Junior School

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A New Term Begins...

The new school year has started, welcome back to our existing children and families and we would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new children and families.  This is an exciting and busy term and indeed it will be a year full of fun and learning.  Forest School continues to grow from strength to strength and this year will see every class taking part in the sessions.  Our range of exciting and varied after school clubs will ensure you have plenty of extra-curricular activities to take join in with.  There are many exciting events in our calendar to look forward to; the annual Year 6 Residential Trip, Year 5 and 6 Activity Days, Shuffle up Day, Christmas and Summer Performances, school fetes, fundraising days, sports day, sports tournaments, various school trips and much more. Don't forget we now also run a Young Carers club at lunch times.


For some of you this will be a big year, some of you will be embarking on your momentous final year in Junior School and will be thinking about your next steps - your secondary school adventure, whilst some of you will only just be just starting out on your Junior School Journey.  Whatever year you are in you can be assured that it will be a fantastic year.


At Knights Enham Junior School, we have professional and friendly staff who will help you along every step of the way.


Together we achieve.

