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Knights Enham

Junior School

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Forest School is Underway

Forest School is underway at Knights Enham Junior School.  Three Forest School sessions have been delivered to year 3 children so far by Mr Bishop, with the help of Miss Anderson, Miss Turrill and Mr Simpson.  Children are enjoying the Forest School sessions and have already made dens and shelters, elder people and animals, done leaf wapping, made clay faces, used various Forest School tools and played games such as Hide and Seek. 


The children are given the chance to go into Forest School first thing on a Wednesday morning, come rain or shine, and are allowed to explore their natural surroundings and lead on their chosen outdoor activities within Forest School; whether that is running, hiding, rolling, model making, insect hunting, building bug houses, mark making with embers, whittling, excavating, cooking on a camp fire and building dens. It all helps to encourage learning, play, and grow a sense of admiration, respect and passion for the outdoor environment and nature.


“I like that we get to do things, last week we made friendship bracelets, I have mine on.  What I like is that it is in the woods and we thought we would never get to do anything like that.” - Ollie & Ethan


“I like that we go into the woods and make stuff.” - Lilliya


"The way you get to carve stuff like you are in the stone age.” - James


“I like building dens.  I like the game of hide and seek.” - Abigail


“There are lots of activities and I have really good friends that can help me.” - Connor


“I think it is a fantastic opportunity for the children to get out in the real world and practice old time skills that are not generally taught these days.” - Mr Simpson


"The children are taken out of the more structured environment they have in school and allowed to lead the session and explore and take risks, and you can see them coming out of themselves and really enjoying it.” - Miss Anderson


Click here to view Forest School photographs

