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Knights Enham

Junior School

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Rights update

We are proud to be a Rights-Respecting School. As well as our Class Charters which were created at the beginning of this academic year, we have also been busy working on our ‘Articles of the week’ in our classes, where we look in close detail at one of the articles from the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child). Our teachers have been incredibly impressed by just how respectful we can be. Mrs Holdsworth has also started Rights Club, which runs every Tuesday 3-4. The children chosen for this club will be our brand new Rights Ambassadors, who have lots of exciting plans ahead of them. We are now looking forward to Universal Children’s Rights day on 20th November where we will be fortunate enough to receive a talk from a guest speaker who was once Nelson Mandela’s bodyguard! We will also be participating in lots of fun ‘rights’ activities, including a treasure hunt and a class quiz competition. 

