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Knights Enham

Junior School

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At Knights Enham Junior School we provide…

Inclusive and ambitious learning experiences where our school community feels safe and motivated to achieve their best.

‘Together We Achieve’

At Knights Enham Junior School Maths is taught daily.  Children will start their junior school Maths learning journey in Year 3 and will continue on it through to Year 6.  Our aim is to provide children with valuable and relevant Maths skills that enable them to be confident users of mathematics.


We assess children regularly to ensure they are keeping up with the curriculum.  We offer additional support for those children who require it and we challenge our more able mathematicians through a varied and enriched Maths curriculum. Our curriculum ensures that our flexible teaching approaches cater for all children at Knights Enham.


The documents below give you an overview of how we teach Maths; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in school.

Maths Action Plan 23-24

