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Knights Enham

Junior School

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Therapy Dog


See out separate page: Therapy Dog Page



Numerous research studies have demonstrated how therapy dogs can help address school-age students’ social and emotional learning needs.  We have therapy dog programs with a proven track record of improving motivation for learning in children, resulting in improved outcomes.

Therapy dogs are increasingly used to support children in addressing their social and emotional learning needs in schools.  This has also been found to help with literacy development.  Some of the benefits recorded in school classrooms include:

  • Increased school attendance
  • Positive changes lead to better learning and enhanced motivation
  • Growth in confidence levels
  • Development of better and stronger relationships with teachers and peers due to the experience of trust and love with therapy dogs.  Children learn ways to express their feelings and develop more trusting relationships
  • Reducing learner anxiety behaviors causes improvement in learning outcomes like improved reading and writing skills and levels

