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Knights Enham

Junior School

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Do you have a Young Carer in your family?  Do you know what support is available for your Family?


At Knights Enham Junior School we have an understanding of Young Carers and have identified a group of Young Carers within the school who we are regularly supporting.  We are aware that there will be others, who at present are not known to us as a Young Carer, could there be a Young Carer in your family?



"A Young Carer is a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person.  Often, these children are caring for relatives without their teachers' knowledge and undetected by support services.  The caring role they carry out means they have unique experiences and demands that impact on their capacity to enjoy and achieve at school."



Some examples of a Young Carer:

'I care for my 14 year old sister who has cerebral palsy and learning difficulties'

'My mum suffers from depression and likes me to be with her, I sometimes miss out on playing with my friends'

'My granddad has had a stroke and I help my mum look after him'

'My autistic, little brother will only let me be the one who dresses him'


To read some 'real life' stories please visit the Care Trust - Carers' Stories webpage.



If you think you have a Young Carer we would like to help and support your family.  If you unsure whether a family member is a Young Carer and would like to find out, or if you are known to the school as a Young Carer family but would like to know more about other organisations that can support your family, please contact Mr Inglis - Young Carers Strategic Team Lead to discuss further.


You can find links and contact numbers on our 'Useful Links' page.







